Friday, July 27, 2018

Dr. Pun eConsult Telemedicine is here!

Dr. PUN   telemedicine  is ON LINE NOW!  email me for details

Dr. Pun and Dr. Lo can ask for ONLINE consultation advice from select specialists in Ontario through our NEW eConsult system by eHealth.   I actually get advice from specialists in 1 to 4 days!

Patients can't actually sign on yet.  This is an evolving system and right now only Dr. Pun/Dr. Lo can communicate with select specialists. We strive to bring patients the latest in technology to keep patients healthy.

Dr. Ian Pun / Dr. Christina Lo Family Practice Medical Office

TO BOOK APPOINTMENT - e-mail: OR call 416-848-7788 during office hours (please don't leave message!) Please book an appointment (walk-in's are only seen if there is free time)
address: 4040 Finch Ave E , Suite 302 (Finch and Kennedy , Scarborough)