Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Patients currently waiting in the office

This is an actual real-time graph of the number of patients currently waiting in Dr. Pun / Dr. Lo's office over the last hour.

Be prepared to wait if there are many patients waiting.  WE DO NOT ACCEPT NEW PATIENTS (except for private vaccine sale and driver's examination).

We got the Shingrix shingles vaccine, Gardasil 9 and Truemba Meningitis B vaccine in stock.

OMRON BP764 BLOOD PRESSURE MONITOR with BLUETOOTH.  $100 (tax included)... WITH OMRON APP ,  email your home BP results DIRECTLY TO DR. PUN

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Keep your medical records on you!

Dr. Pun will provide a USB thumb drive/SD card with all your medical records so you can take it to the specialist or hospital.   $40 (usb drive or SD card included).  This will provide more of your historical information for any specialists or emergency doctors so you can get better care!

Dr. Ian Pun / Dr. Christina Lo Family Practice Medical Office

TO BOOK APPOINTMENT - e-mail: OR call 416-848-7788 during office hours (please don't leave message!) Please book an appointment (walk-in's are only seen if there is free time)
address: 4040 Finch Ave E , Suite 302 (Finch and Kennedy , Scarborough)